We thought you might have some questions so we've prepared some FAQ just for you. If we haven't answered your questions please contact us through the Contact Us tab.

+ FAQ1. What Is The HAPPY Test@Work??

The Happy Test@Work is a series of relationship tests designed to help you improve things at work.  A person can spend a good portion of their life at work, so it is extremely important that it is enjoyed.

Working in a job that is dissatisfying is 'soul destroying', so it is crucial to make some effort to make changes if you wish to improve your happiness.

When happy in your work, it will invariably affect other aspects of your life and brighten those areas also.  Two key areas are offered for testing:

a) How happy you are with your boss or supervisor

b) How happy you are with your Job/Role

These two common relationships are where you can be presented with ongoing negative situations or circumstances. Left unchecked and unresolved they can create great misery and produce undesirable results that can destroy motivation to the extent that there is little desire to want to go to your workplace.

The Happy Test@Work offers a very powerful tool to assist in taking action that is focused. Action that is aimed at the core reasons why there may be levels of dissatisfaction, anxiety and unhappiness. 

As you communicate with others, there are certain and very important things that are constantly being validated (motivators). The problem for most people is this validation occurs below the levels of awareness (it is subconscious).
These motivators create general feelings of happiness, joy, enthusiasm, senses of achievement, excitement or unhappiness as in dissatisfaction, worry, frustration etc. These feelings and emotions will propel you towards or away from someone or something.

The outcome can be that any relationship can be enhanced (expand and grow) or inhibited (go into decline). In the working environment this means propelling your career or limiting your growth. The main difference being the time in achieving your objectives and your levels of happiniess. 

The Happy Test@Work brings these key 'motivators' and their associated behaviours to your conscious awareness and through several simple steps quickly determine your levels of happiness and any potential risk to the relationship and your career prospects in your current employment.

The Self Assessments are straight forward, easy to do (although you will need to think a bit), only take minutes to complete and are extremely powerful.

Please do not be fooled by the simplicity behind this process.

+ FAQ2. How will this help me and my work?

The Happy Test@Work relates to the 3 key areas of work that can make or break job satisfaction and the enjoyment of performing duties. You specifically seek things at work that relate to your personal self worth and things that contribute to personal growth and deveopment.

The things we seek at work to fulfill inner desires, will ultimately lead towards an understanding of your lifes purpose and to the expression of who you think you are, as you travel on your journey through life.

The sooner there is understanding of what motivates you or 'de-motivates' you (actually de-motivation, is motivation in the opposite direction), the sooner the realisation of what really works in your favour (makes you happy) and what doesn't (makes you unhappy). These positive and negative fluctuations can be challenging and can 'force' a person to action, either way. 

The Happy Test@Work shows you quite clearly what aspects of your relationship is working and what is not, so that you can address specifically the issues by making decisions and taking action; action that can make an immediate difference.  

+ FAQ3. How will this help the relationship with my boss?

Knowing specifically what aspects of the relationship are being subconscioulsy met, paves the way for greater awareness and the opportunity to focus on building stronger bonds.

Conversely any negative aspects of the relationship are clearly defined and offer further understanding of the emotions expressed. It therefore provides a focus that can be shared and what may have been vague can be brought up as a discussion to help improve the relationship. 

Offering blame is not a solution, that merely reinforces the unpleasantness. Courage is however, required - particularly where some cultures are reluctant to confront are concerned.  

The Happy Test@Work offers information that allows greater understanding and opportunity for resolution. When there is resolution and acceptance there can be growth in the relationship and further chances to improve productivity and achievement.

+ FAQ4. Won't approaching my boss cause more conflict?

Quite possibly, yes! It depends upon how much you have allowed your boss to intimidate you.

If you are concerned about being in a conflict, you may wish to reflect upon your perspective of what conflict is and how important it is in not allowing someone to treat you in a way you disaprove of. 

Conflict in fact, is essential for two or more people to obtain a greater understanding and have clarity about something. It is not necessarily about aggression, it is about opposing views that are in conflict i.e. in opposition.

The levels of intensity in how it is delivered, can reflect the levels of importance - this is often interpreted as aggressiveness and results in fear and anxiety about either continuing the conversation or approaching them again.

If the manager treats you disrespectfully then that's personal - but make sure it's not due to the way you communicate. They may be reflecting you.

It is acknowledged though, that some managers use their positions of authority and power, aggressively. This is the authoritarioan approach, doomed to eventually ruin the relationship.

For the benefit of the organisation and for personal development, working with your manager to resolve differences or improve communication is character building drawing upon self confidence and flexibility.

So it is best not fear organisational conflict - it's just part of the game.


+ FAQ5. I am reluctant to leave my job!

Often people stay put in jobs they dislike or even hate, because of money and also because they are fearful of making change in case it 'doesn't work out'; unfortunately this lack of action comes at a terrible cost.

Living in fear of losing something or putting up with less than your desires, is a tragedy in the making; especially if you have been performing work duties that you find disatisfying over a long period of time. 

This is effectively living a lie; it is acting out something that you disapprove of, are unhappy with and are 'forcing' yourself to do it even though you do not want to.

You are therefore 'trapped'.

The devil you know is better than the devil you don't know, so nothing changes. The net result is discontentment and often coupled with a few doses of self pity, some justifications and a bit self blame. 

There are two main consequences of job dissatisfaction and inaction and they are - unhappiness and a deterioration in health (mental and physical). Sounds dramatic, but is a fact, especially when it has been over a prolonged period of time. Often there are short bouts of depression which affect motivation to look after and care for self.  Over compensating through overeating, drinking or 'playing' hard or the opposite, doing nothing are common. This obviously can affect relationships if there is a partner.

There are many reasons why people put up with a job they don't like - don't know what else to do; self doubt about ability; no other work available; it would mean leaving an area and friends and so on.  All relevant but destined to keep you where you are.

Life will pay the price you ask, so what are you asking for?

Inaction is action, it is a choice made and life is a consequence of choices made.

Some form of action is required, yet defining exactly what is required is beyond the intentions of this service. 

By doing a Happy Test associated with work, it will have identified the aspects you seek both consciously & subconsciously - now that you know, what steps (actions) are required to make them become a reality.

One challenge is overcoming the imagined fear that you create - fear is made up, it isn't real but it has the power to paralyse you and prevent you from taking action.

If previous efforts have not produced the results you wanted, it does not mean the same thing will happen again. Failure is when you stop trying.